import os import stat import time import shutil import platform import configparser M_DEFAULTCONFIG = "./Settings.cfg" M_CONFIGPARSER = configparser.ConfigParser() def normalizePath(path): return os.path.normcase(path) def doesFileExist(path): return os.path.isfile(path) def doesFolderExist(path): path = normalizePath(path) if os.path.exists(path): return not doesFileExist(path) return False def getFileSize(path): path = normalizePath(path) if doesFileExist(path): return os.path.getsize(path) else: return 0 def checkSizeChange(path): path = normalizePath(path) if doesFileExist(path): tmp_size = getFileSize(path) time.sleep(10) return (tmp_size == getFileSize(path)) return False def createFolder(path): path = normalizePath(path) if doesFolderExist(path): return True else: try: os.makedirs(path) return True except OSError: return False def deleteDirectory(path, attempt=True): path = normalizePath(path) if doesFileExist(path): try: os.remove(path) except: if attempt: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(path) deleteDirectory(path, False) else: return False elif doesFolderExist(path): try: os.rmdir(path) except: if attempt: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(path) deleteDirectory(path, False) else: return False return True def moveFile(input_path, output_path, copy=False): input_path = normalizePath(input_path) output_path = normalizePath(output_path) folder_created = False if platform.system() == 'Windows': folder_created = createFolder(output_path.rsplit("\\", 1)[0]) else: folder_created = createFolder(output_path.rsplit("/", 1)[0]) if folder_created: try: if copy: shutil.copyfile(input_path, output_path) else: shutil.move(input_path, output_path) return True except shutil.Error: if copy: print("Copying failed...") else: print("Moving failed...") return False except: if doesFileExist(output_path): if getFileSize(input_path) == getFileSize(output_path): if not copy: try: deleteDirectory(input_path) except: print("Successfully copied file but could not delete input file...") else: if copy: print("Failed to copy file") else: print("Failed to move file") return False def listAllFiles(path): path = normalizePath(path) try: tmp_paths = os.listdir(path) tmp_files = [] for files in tmp_paths: tmp_current = os.path.join(path, files) if doesFolderExist(tmp_current): tmp_files = tmp_files + listAllFiles(tmp_current) elif doesFileExist(tmp_current): tmp_files.append(tmp_current) return tmp_files except OSError: return None def deleteEmptyFolders(path, delroot=False): path = normalizePath(path) if not os.path.isdir(path): return tmp_files = os.listdir(path) if tmp_files: for files in tmp_files: tmp_fullpath = os.path.join(path, files) if os.path.isdir(tmp_fullpath): deleteEmptyFolders(tmp_fullpath, True) tmp_files = os.listdir(path) if not tmp_files and delroot: os.rmdir(path) def addConfiguration(section, option, key=""): if not doesFileExist(M_DEFAULTCONFIG): M_CONFIGPARSER.add_section(section) M_CONFIGPARSER.set(section, option, key) else: if not M_CONFIGPARSER.has_section(section): M_CONFIGPARSER.add_section(section) if not M_CONFIGPARSER.has_option(section, option): M_CONFIGPARSER.set(section, option, key) with open(M_DEFAULTCONFIG, 'w') as tmp: M_CONFIGPARSER.write(tmp) def setConfiguration(section, option, key=""): if not doesFileExist(M_DEFAULTCONFIG): addConfiguration(section, option, key) else: if not M_CONFIGPARSER.has_section(section): M_CONFIGPARSER.add_section(section) M_CONFIGPARSER.set(section, option, key) with open(M_DEFAULTCONFIG, 'w') as tmp: M_CONFIGPARSER.write(tmp) def getConfigurationStr(section, option): if doesFileExist(M_DEFAULTCONFIG): if M_CONFIGPARSER.has_section(section) and M_CONFIGPARSER.has_option(section, option): tmp_key = M_CONFIGPARSER.get(section, option) if tmp_key != "" or tmp_key.lower().find("none") != -1: return tmp_key return None def getConfigurationBool(section, option): if doesFileExist(M_DEFAULTCONFIG): if M_CONFIGPARSER.has_section(section) and M_CONFIGPARSER.has_option(section, option): return M_CONFIGPARSER.getboolean(section, option) return None